Qualifications & Rules

Business Submitted and Paid March 1, 2025 – February 28, 2026

Personal Projected Paid Revenue (All Hierarchy Levels):


Qualification Rules

  1. The qualification period is March 1, 2025 through February 28, 2026.
  2. To qualify, all policies must be submitted and paid within the qualification period.
  3. TAG career agents are eligible for trip qualification. Qualifiers must be active and in good standing at the time the trip is awarded to receive an invitation.
  4. The projected paid revenue value of all policies for any product type issued and paid during the qualification period shall determine trip qualification.
  5. Agents qualifying for the trip must be within acceptable quality of business metrics including placement, issue and persistency rates as determined by the company.
  6. TAG agents in good standing and one guest are eligible to attend. Qualifying agents may bring children or other guests but all associated costs are the responsibility of the qualifying agent. Costs associated with children or other guests attending are to be paid in advance and all travel arrangements are to be made through TAG’s designated travel agency.
  7. The trip is not transferable and no cash allowance will be awarded in lieu of attendance.
  8. Re-writes or replacement business are not awarded trip credit.
  9. Projected paid revenue on TAG agents and any family member(s), regardless of writing agent, is not eligible for trip credit.
  10. Trip qualifiers and their guest will be awarded only one invitation regardless of the amount of projected paid revenue.
  11. Please note this is a taxable benefit. Review with your tax advisor and plan accordingly.
  12. TAG management reserves the right to interpret all rules for the trip and may modify, cancel, make changes or alterations at any time.